The shallows full movie latino
The shallows full movie latino

the shallows full movie latino

These are thoughts echoed by Benjamin Lopez, executive director of NALIP: “The Latino community has not been prioritized, and it is imperative that we shed light on the glaring reality of Latino representation in film.” The report hopes to be both a diagnosis and a road map.

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“The erasure of the Latino community in film creates a void that has been allowed to be filled by hateful and violent rhetoric,” said Mauricio Mota, co-president of Wise Entertainment and producer of the Emmy-nominated series East Los High. Smith, “we urgently need to see the Latino community authentically and accurately represented throughout entertainment.” “At a time where Latinos in our country are facing intense concerns over their safety,” said Dr.

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Smith and the USC Annenberg Inclusion Initiative in partnership with National Association of Latino Independent Producers ( NALIP) and Wise Entertainment, is the most comprehensive and in-depth analysis of Latinos in film since Columbia University’s 2014 “ Latino Media Gap” report. “ Latinos in Film: Erasure On Screen Behind the Camera Across 1,200 Popular Movies,” from Dr. A new report is building on those aforementioned and finally going granular on the specific issue of Latino representation. In 2018, Latinos didn’t even merit a breakdown in a graph that showed how many nonwhite directors helmed the top 1,100 box office hits of the last decade. In 2016, we learned that Latino actors played only 2.7% of roles in the top movies of the year. population, Latinos made up only 5.8% of speaking roles on TV and film. Back in 2014, a report asserted that despite making up 17.1% of the total U.S. The bleak reality that the Latino community is underrepresented on the big screen has been a known issue for quite some time.

The shallows full movie latino